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  • Our Commitment to Enhanced Privacy
    [View Our Privacy Policy Here]

    At Uncrowned Empire, we're deeply committed to upholding the privacy and safeguarding the digital lives of our users. We abide by fundamental privacy principles that resonate with our core values. Firstly, we pledge never to sell or trade any aspect of your personal or public data. We recognize the intrusive nature of conventional banner advertisements and their associated trackers, which is why we're transitioning away from these standard ads towards a more privacy-conscious approach.

    Please understand that while we strive for data minimization, we're not a platform that operates with zero data retention. Registered accounts necessitate some data storage to ensure a functional and personalized user experience. However, we're dedicated to maintaining the security and confidentiality of your data on our servers, respecting your digital privacy at every turn. Our journey towards improving this facet of our operations is ongoing, and we hope it sets a standard that others might emulate.

    We comply with legal obligations, including law enforcement and government directives or court orders, as non-compliance is not an option. While we staunchly protect your data from free or commercial distribution, our platforms should not be considered safe havens for illegal activities. Violations will result in a ban, and if necessary, we will report offenders to relevant authorities.

    Transparency in Data Handling

    We believe in full transparency, so here's what happens with your data:

    1. Aggregate Data Sharing: We occasionally share aggregated, non-personal data with third parties. This is confined to statistics like "Total Daily Unique Views" or "Total Daily Views," with no personally identifiable information attached. Such data aids in marketing and affiliate collaborations.

    2. Internal Analytics: Our team accesses summary reports for internal use only, informing strategies like advertising campaigns. These reports might include total page views or views by device type, devoid of any identifiable personal data.

    3. Third-Party Analytics: We employ Metricool for analytics, chosen for their commitment to data privacy, ensuring your data (sans account details) is used solely for enhancing our services and marketing strategies. [View Their Privacy Policy Here]

    That's it—no hidden agendas, just transparent, minimal data sharing for operational purposes.

    Your Email: Safe and Sound

    Your email remains strictly confidential within our systems. It's accessible only to our staff and is utilized for essential communications, including the occasional mass emails or specific account-related notifications you've opted to receive. We engage SendGrid, a reputable email delivery service, to ensure that these communications reach your inbox reliably. However, it's important to note that SendGrid does not have the permission to access or use your email for any other purposes outside of fulfilling their role in our communication process. We stand firmly against selling or trading email information, and we ensure that no third party, including our vendors, has the ability to view or access your email details.

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