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Our Next Community Project!

Uncrowned Guard

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Make-A-Difference-000028810910_Medium.thumb.jpg.2ec51567d7c85501bf4786db74c85da4.jpgUncrowned Empire is currently working with our local community to put together a large, community-based website for our home area.  Yes, we are an international company with a customer base all over the world, but we are starting our community building program small in scale, but certainly not small in goals.

Our first community building project will be based on providing our local town an online community just as powerful as our Uncrowned Empire websites so residents can communicate with each other and their officials.  We aim to bring our privacy practices to this website and our green standing to it as well!  This website is mostly targeted towards providing all the nonsense information that many residents struggle to find (e.g. our struggle to find local business laws) and place it in a central location that is free and accessible to all!

We also hope to help promote our local volunteer organizations and help them row in our area.  Uncrowned Empire is not billing for any of these services nor will we charge non-profits to promote themselves.  Our standing on the issue, is that everyone needs to do a part in improving their community; and this is our first step towards that goal.

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